Pestles and Tubes


Sample grinding is designed to disrupt cell or tissue samples.  It utilizes a shearing action by forcing the material between the side wall where homogenization occurs.

Homogenization with a mortar and pestle is a low-throughput method, used most often for relatively small batches.

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Item No.
8 ml 
15 ml 
40 ml 
2 ml 
10 ml 
30 ml 
40 ml 
8 ml 
20 ml 
5 ml 
15 ml 
40 ml 
2 ml 
15 ml 
40 ml 
20 ml 
10 ml 
30 ml 
2 ml 
15 ml 
40 ml 
15 ml 
15 ml 
2 ml 
2 ml 
40 ml 
40 ml 
2 ml 
15 ml 
40 ml 