Tabletop Cleanroom Series

Work Space
23.25''W x 17.5''D x 17''H
Overall Dimensions
24''W x 18''D x 30.25''H
530 CFM, (free air), Backward Curved Impeller
Noise Level
A weighted noise level 62dB max. at 1 meter
PF-1R pre-filter/HP2 HEPA
  • Further reduces particle count in existing cleanrooms
  • Dust free pharmaceutical packaging
  • Q/A testing in 'dirty' plant setting
  • Assembly of sensitive optical components
  • Electronics assembly
  • Can be used with carbon filters to prevent chemical contamination of samples inside the hood
For a copy of the User Instructions Click Here.

To Order call 1-800-452-7265

Item Number: 200A RF1000

Your Price:   EA