Solvents are used pervasively throughout the synthesis of chemical reagents and for chromatographic sample preparation. They are often employed as precursors to inert materials and active ingredients, and are used to concentrate and purify samples throughout production and quality control. The ubiquitous use of solvents in chemical synthesizing and sample preparation requires samples to be prepared in evaporators equipped to dry-off solvents and improve the concentration of manufactured compounds. However, the evaporation process can cause a significant workflow bottleneck to remove undesirable solvents for quality control analysis or reconstitution for product formulation.
Reducing the disruptive capacity of solvent drying-off processes is critical for laboratory applications, particularly for high-throughput laboratories. Conventional evaporator components such as fume hoods and centrifugal evaporators are often used in these instances, but the nitrogen blow-down method is often preferable for high-throughput evaporation for well plates and test vials.
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